Brillium customers experienced an incident from approximately Friday, August 26, 2022 @ 2145 UTC to Saturday, August 27, 2022 @ 0530 UTC. This issue affected customer access to both Brillium Assessment Builder version 10 and Brillium version 11 applications.
Root Cause:
After interfacing with several Amazon AWS engineers and conducting a thorough incident analysis and investigation internally, we have discovered an incompatibility between network configuration components that would present itself as a loss of connectivity even though the systems themselves were in fact nominal.
Steps Taken:
The components identified during the investigation are necessary for compatibility in order to support customers on earlier versions of the platform (i.e. v9, v10). During the remediation steps, we were able to remove any dependency on the components identified as the root cause. Additionally, we added validation enhancements to our QA process that include compatibility checks in order to prevent any such issue from reoccurring in the future.