On June 13 there was an outage event (very similar to the one on June 8), occurring between approximately 1300 UTC and 1800 UTC. This event only affected a portion of our customers.
Review of our data indicated that specific Amazon AWS cloud service communications between our server systems and authentication resources were failing sporadically during this period, and at times appeared to fail altogether. Our monitoring and system information shows that our systems repeatedly tried to communicate with external resources without success.
All systems became operational later in the day.
Unlike the previous event on June 8, this one was publicly reported by a few outlets and users on social media. Amazon’s own services appear to have been impacted by the event.
Public reports of the Amazon outage can be found via the links below and these were shared with some customers:
As this event was external to our systems and outside of our control, no direct actions could have predicted or prevented the issues.
External network or Internet issues can and will affect access to our systems; however, these types of events are generally rare and often quickly resolved.